martes, 28 de julio de 2015


I think the play was funnier than the book because they adapted the story and the script for a younger audiense, also I think that with the songs they did it easier to understand it but even with this I confused some parts and characters, also was great that they offered the play in spanish.

I recomend this play for people from ten years up

miércoles, 8 de julio de 2015

Figure of speeche cartoons

METAPHORS: the compare of two things without using "as" or "like"
SIMILES :compares two things using "as" por "like"                
HYPERBOLE :exaggeration used for emphasis or effect.                                                           

                        PERSONIFICATION: gives human caracteristics to inanimate objects,animals or ideas.

                                 IDIOMS:it is a group of words that can't be understood merely by knowing the individual meanings of its elements. It is an expression that can not be taken literally

jueves, 2 de julio de 2015

Operaciones con números racionales

  En el dia de hoy . En la clase de matematica realizamos una revisión sobre las operaciones con numeros racionales ; Esta fue la explicacion de la profesora  , donde interactuamos todos . Luego seguimos trabajando , ejercicios y problemas en la carpeta y en el libro.