The story "The Prison" written by Bernard Malaud, is about a guy called Tommy Casteli, that stole a licorshop so his father arranged his marriage and his job in a candy store. This essay will analize the three simbols of the story, the candy store, the little girl and the tissue papers.
The first symbol is the candy store. The candy store symbolises Tommy's life, Tommy's imprisonment and how Tommy was not able of decide what his life was going to be. "Un endurably slow hours and endless drivel that went with seling candy, cigarets and soda".
The second symbol is the little girl. The little girl symbolises Tommy's past and through her he remembers the bad things she had done or his mistakes in life, the little girl also was a way of making Tommy's day more interesting "found himselfw thinking about that his life had turned out, and then about this girl, moved that she was so young and a thief"
The third and last symbol is the tissue papers that symbolise the little girl excuse to go to the store and through them she can steal "Tommy opened the drawer to get the girl her paper (...) but she saw a white hand reach into the candy case for a chocolate bar and for an other, then she came forth from behind the couter and stood there inocently waitin for him"
In this essay the symbols of the story "The prison" were analised. Thus is a great story in which the life of the main character is reflected in a little girl action; and it is very interesting to read.
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