lunes, 15 de julio de 2019
Pueblos originarios de la patagonia
A stunning, professional letterhead is an essential communications tool for companies, brands, and individuals. It doesn’t simply allow you to send memos and draft contracts, but can also be a reflection of your brand’s identity. It’s easy to make a por Trini R R
martes, 9 de julio de 2019
Le 14 julliet, date natinale française, contexte historique. Qu'est-ce quis'est passé?
5V Groupe Nº 1 Florencia, Denise, Bautista et Trinidad
Pris de la Bastille
La fête de la République française
La date du 14 juillet est associée dans tous les esprits à la prise de la Bastille par le peuple de Paris en 1789. Cet événement marquant de la Révolution française fut commémoré l'année suivante lors de la "fête de la Fédération", le 14 juillet 1790, à Paris au Champ de Mars. Fête de l'union et de la réconciliation, la fête de la Fédération rassemble les gardes nationaux des régions et de Paris. La date du 14 juillet cessa ensuite d'être célébrée, jusqu'à la IIIème République qui lui donna le caractère d'une fête nationale, en référence à la prise de la Bastille mais aussi et surtout en référence à la fête de la Fédération et à l'esprit d'unité qui y avait régné. Ainsi, depuis 1880, le 14 juillet est officiellement la Fête Nationale française et symbolise pour les Français la fin de la monarchie absolue et le début de la République.

Fête nationale française
Le 14 juillet est l'occasion de festivités au succès populaire. Dans de nombreuses villes, un défilé militaire a lieu dans la journée. Le soir, des bals et concerts sont organisés dans toutes les communes de France, suivis généralement d'un feu d'artifice. Les dates peuvent varier selon les communes : généralement le 13 juillet est consacré au bal populaire et le 14 au feu d'artifice, mais il peut arriver que le feu d'artifice soit tiré le 13 juillet dans certaines communes, de façon à ne pas interférer avec les festivités d'autres villes aux alentours. Si vous vous y prenez bien, vous pourrez donc assister à deux feux d'artifice dans deux endroits différents 
Contexte Historique
La prise de la Bastille a eu lieu à Paris le mardi 14 juillet 1789. La bastille ne gardait que sept prisonniers. Le 14 juillet 1789, la forteresse était défendue par 32 soldats suisses et 82 "invalides de guerre", munis de fusils et de munitions en abondance. Le siège a fait 98 morts, 60 blessés et 13 mutilés, parmi les assaillants.
lunes, 3 de junio de 2019
Social media and interpersonal relationships
There is no doubt that social media has a great impact on people's lives, nevertheless many people feel that the impact they have on human relationships is negative. Eventhough in some cases this is true, most of the time it is the other way around.
Generally speaking social media is a great way to connect with others, since you are constantly socializing with people, that is why it is called 'social' media; it simplifys the task of meeting and getting to know other individuals. Furthermore it makes possible to connect with diferent people from all arround the world; therefore is an excellent way of learning about other cultures and daily manners opening our minds in addition of making us accept other diferences and reducing prejudice.
Others may feel that it has a negative impact, since sometimes, not so offten people may critisize or insult others, through this media, which in an extreme case might lead to cyberbulling. Moreover in some ocations people use social media to stock and obtain information about people with which stockers can use against you.
For my point of view social media is an amazing way of relating with people you do not know, and from other countries; as long as you use it consiously, respect the others and be carefull that you do not publish anything that can be used against you, you will find social media very entretaining and useful.
Generally speaking social media is a great way to connect with others, since you are constantly socializing with people, that is why it is called 'social' media; it simplifys the task of meeting and getting to know other individuals. Furthermore it makes possible to connect with diferent people from all arround the world; therefore is an excellent way of learning about other cultures and daily manners opening our minds in addition of making us accept other diferences and reducing prejudice.
Others may feel that it has a negative impact, since sometimes, not so offten people may critisize or insult others, through this media, which in an extreme case might lead to cyberbulling. Moreover in some ocations people use social media to stock and obtain information about people with which stockers can use against you.
For my point of view social media is an amazing way of relating with people you do not know, and from other countries; as long as you use it consiously, respect the others and be carefull that you do not publish anything that can be used against you, you will find social media very entretaining and useful.
TED talk that can change the world
Greta Thunberg is a 16 year old teenager, from Sweden, who movilised the world with her TED talk about enviromental problems, how humans caused global warming and its impacto on earth.
Greta is red haired and has fair, frekled skinn, she is slim and has a round face, quite an ordinary teenage girl, nevertheless, she was very direct and frank, she went directly to the point and didn't rambled at all. The subject of the speech is complexand she knows a lot about it, therefore we can asume that she is very bright.She showd a serious and determined profile; although Greta said she was a rather unsociable person, she seemed relax when delivering the talk in front of all those people.
The talk was very persuasive and interesting. Greta was very fluent and articulated, though quite static. It had a varied and complex vocabulary, furthermore she was very coherent.
I highly recommend this talk, it is very informative and interesting it leaves you with lots of interogants, concerns and desire to keep investigating about the subject; it is definetly a video everybody must watch.
Greta is red haired and has fair, frekled skinn, she is slim and has a round face, quite an ordinary teenage girl, nevertheless, she was very direct and frank, she went directly to the point and didn't rambled at all. The subject of the speech is complexand she knows a lot about it, therefore we can asume that she is very bright.She showd a serious and determined profile; although Greta said she was a rather unsociable person, she seemed relax when delivering the talk in front of all those people.
The talk was very persuasive and interesting. Greta was very fluent and articulated, though quite static. It had a varied and complex vocabulary, furthermore she was very coherent.
I highly recommend this talk, it is very informative and interesting it leaves you with lots of interogants, concerns and desire to keep investigating about the subject; it is definetly a video everybody must watch.
jueves, 23 de mayo de 2019
Estudiando sismos
Análisis sobre terremotos en Argentina. Información sacada de INPRES. Incluye datos de profundidad, magnitud, latitud, longitud y zona ordenados según fecha y hora. Ademas, la magnitud de los sismos esta dividida con colores: verde (valores menores o iguales a 2,5), azul (valores mayores a 2,5 y menores a 5) y rojo (valores mayores o iguales a 5). También está resaltado con fondo rojo y fuente color blanca los valores de la profundidad que están por encima del promedio. Están los valores mínimos, máximos y el promedio para Profundidad y Magnitud. Esta la cantidad de sismos que superaron (en profundidad e intensidad) la media y la cantidad de días a partir del día hoy en que tuvo lugar el sismo de mayor intensidad. Por último, hay un cuadro con la cantidad de sismos por sector. Realice este trabajo con Luna Rosenman.
jueves, 9 de mayo de 2019
water properties
A) The diference between evaporation and boiling is that when it is evaporating the molecules that rise are the ones at the surface, as they dont have the same amount of intermolecular bonds, they have fewer as they do not have molecules at the top to conect with. At the boiling point the molecules of the middle began to have more cinetic energy as the temperature rise, so their bonds break and they rise to the surface and evaporate this occurs when the sustance reaches the same preasure that the atmosphere has.
B) the vapour pressure happens when there is a dinamic balance, in a closed system, this is the point in which liquid evaporates and condensates at the same speed; the preassure that generates the vapour agaist the walls and the liquid is called vapour preassure. As the temperature increases, the cinetic energy of its molecules also increase, as the cinetic energy of the molecules increases, the number of molecules transitioning into a vapor also increases, thereby the vapor pressure is higher.
C) Capilarity is the capability of water to climb throw the walls of a narrow tube wich cause an upward force on the liquid at the edges and result in a meniscus which turns upward. The surface tension acts to hold the surface intact. Capillary action occurs when the adhesive forces (particles diferent substance) are stronger than the cohesive (same substace particles) forces between the liquid molecules.
A) The triple point of a substance is the temperature and pressure at which the three states (gas, liquid, and solid) of that substance coexist in equilibrium. It is the temperature and pressure point at which the sublimation curve, fusion curve and the vaporisation curve meet. This hapens when the substance reaches 273,16 K and 4,58 mm.
B) For most substances, increasing the pressure when a system is in equilibrium between liquid and solid phases will increase the melting point. But since water fills a smaller volume when it's liquid, rather than solid, if you have more pressure it will go to a lower melting point allowing more solid to become liquid.
A) The diference between evaporation and boiling is that when it is evaporating the molecules that rise are the ones at the surface, as they dont have the same amount of intermolecular bonds, they have fewer as they do not have molecules at the top to conect with. At the boiling point the molecules of the middle began to have more cinetic energy as the temperature rise, so their bonds break and they rise to the surface and evaporate this occurs when the sustance reaches the same preasure that the atmosphere has.
B) the vapour pressure happens when there is a dinamic balance, in a closed system, this is the point in which liquid evaporates and condensates at the same speed; the preassure that generates the vapour agaist the walls and the liquid is called vapour preassure. As the temperature increases, the cinetic energy of its molecules also increase, as the cinetic energy of the molecules increases, the number of molecules transitioning into a vapor also increases, thereby the vapor pressure is higher.
C) Capilarity is the capability of water to climb throw the walls of a narrow tube wich cause an upward force on the liquid at the edges and result in a meniscus which turns upward. The surface tension acts to hold the surface intact. Capillary action occurs when the adhesive forces (particles diferent substance) are stronger than the cohesive (same substace particles) forces between the liquid molecules.
A) The triple point of a substance is the temperature and pressure at which the three states (gas, liquid, and solid) of that substance coexist in equilibrium. It is the temperature and pressure point at which the sublimation curve, fusion curve and the vaporisation curve meet. This hapens when the substance reaches 273,16 K and 4,58 mm.
B) For most substances, increasing the pressure when a system is in equilibrium between liquid and solid phases will increase the melting point. But since water fills a smaller volume when it's liquid, rather than solid, if you have more pressure it will go to a lower melting point allowing more solid to become liquid.
explained in phase diagram video below, from minute 2,12 to 2,40
A) Viscosity is the resitance that generates a fluid to flow. The stronger the intermolecular bond of the liquid is, the more viscosity it would have, therefore water is more viscous than naphta since its intermolecular bonds are stroner, because water has all 3 intermolecular, but naphta doesnt have hydrogen bond, becuse it is non polar, which makes naphta´s bonds weaker than water´s .
B)For this diagram there will have to be a higher pressure tan 2,1 atm and a higher temperature than 4,5 c.
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