Greta Thunberg is a 16 year old teenager, from Sweden, who movilised the world with her TED talk about enviromental problems, how humans caused global warming and its impacto on earth.
Greta is red haired and has fair, frekled skinn, she is slim and has a round face, quite an ordinary teenage girl, nevertheless, she was very direct and frank, she went directly to the point and didn't rambled at all. The subject of the speech is complexand she knows a lot about it, therefore we can asume that she is very bright.She showd a serious and determined profile; although Greta said she was a rather unsociable person, she seemed relax when delivering the talk in front of all those people.
The talk was very persuasive and interesting. Greta was very fluent and articulated, though quite static. It had a varied and complex vocabulary, furthermore she was very coherent.
I highly recommend this talk, it is very informative and interesting it leaves you with lots of interogants, concerns and desire to keep investigating about the subject; it is definetly a video everybody must watch.
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